Today as I found myself alone watching General Conference I couldn't help but listen-- there were no distractions (which isn't a bad thing considering those distractions would be my family)--to the talks that were given. I was able to spend a few hours with my beautiful niece Lizzie. The thought occurred to me that I should probably take a picture because she was being absolutely adorable as she pretty much is like 90% of the time. I didn't, and am now kicking myself in the foot (literally) if I had then I would have a picture for you all on here. Sorry! Next time I have an idea like this I better listen to and follow through...
So, while listening to Conference today I am reminded of how much the Lord loves all of us and how inspired the men and women of the church are. They have so much wisdom and care for the people of the world. I feel grateful to my Heavenly Father for blessing me and my family and you and yours, He is a true friend. I love Him with all of my heart.
Yesterday, as I was riding in the car home with my parents I was reflecting on the peace that I felt after serving in the temple for some of my ancestors. My mom and I were able to have a really good discussion about our family's history. I was able to perform ordinances for my great grandmother on my mother's side. My mother was able to perform the same ordinances for her aunt who she was very close to. I will never forget the feeling I felt when I heard my mother say her name. It brought peace to my soul. I love my great aunt. She was single for most of her adult life. She lived in San Francisco for a time and she wore the business suits and walked the streets of that famous city every day of her life back then. She was a very STRONG woman and I have much respect for her. I feel close to her because she too did not bear any children of her own. I have come to the realization that I may never have that privilege in this life but I have faith that one day in the eternities I may be able to multiply and replenish the Earth. Having a goal like that brings much hard work and dedication but I am willing to fulfill the promises I have made with my Father in Heaven to share His message with my fellow brothers and sisters on the Earth today, I know it will not be easy but I have a loving father and mother who know what its like to share and live the gospel. I look to them as the greatest example that I have with the exception of the Lord himself. But are not we all servants of the Lord; doing his work and "bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of men"?
I am indeed grateful for a loving Heavenly Father and a family who loves me unconditionally. I am so blessed to be a member of the only true church on the face of the Earth. I know it with every fiber of my being. I pray that one day I may stand before the pleasing bar of God and hear Him say, "well done thou good and faithful servant". Thank you to all of my teachers, leaders, neighbors, friends, and family for giving me a second chance at happiness. I love you all and hope that one day we can all be with one another again in the eternities. I humbly pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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