I just love cupcakes and the joy that comes from eating them. This day was a very special day not only for my family but for me as well. It was at this time that I realized that if I were to ever have joy in my life I must go to the place where we are closest to God. The temple is my favorite place on the earth. Even though most recently I went to the church to clean it and I found myself in the bathroom again. It always seems that if there are some cleaning that needs to be done, the place where I feel the most comfortable is in the bathroom. All my life I have found myself in the bathroom. Wow I am really getting off subject here. Anyway, my point is that this time I found peace in this little church building cleaning bathrooms. Service has always been a challenge for me but this time I felt happy. Last time I cleaned the church I was by myself and I felt the spirit there. I always seem to find myself most happiest when I am serving the Lord. And it's like eating a cupcake. Only when we eat a cupcake we feel temporary happiness and when we are in the temple or a dedicated church building we feel lasting joy. Eternal happiness can be felt in the temple and I feel it every time I attend. Getting back to my topic. This day I ate several of those yummy cupcakes and I went to the temple. You can't get any happier then that, in my oppinion.
Family is another Eternal Cupcake. My family is so good to me. My sister is a rock. She is my example. I love her to pieces. She can always make me feel better. These last few weeks have been a joy to me as I have spent time with her and her two cute little angels. Both of which I love with all my heart. I was looking at pictures today of little Kayllen. Brooklyn too. I laughed today as I looked at those little angels. I really do care for them. Being an aunt is so much fun. They are my Eternal Cupcakes. The icing on the cake is their laughs. The laughs are so sweet and innocent. Some times I imagine what my kids would be like. How much joy I would feel. Someday I hope to have Eternal Cupcakes of my own. Eternal Cupcakes are the things in our lives that bring us the most joy and it is through this joy that we obtain all we desire. I hope and pray that one day I will look back on my life and smile because I have everything I've ever wanted. I pray that my Heavenly Father will show us all how much he loves us and how much he wants us to be happy like he is. He wants us to be happy and every day he waits for us to call upon Him and to talk to Him. He is waiting to share that abundance. Every minute of ever day He waits and it is through our Savior Jesus Christ that He first showed us how much He wants us to return back to Him above. I hope and pray that we will all come to Him in mighty prayer and supplication. I know that He lives that he loves us and that we can be eternally happy if we do our part. By sharing the truth we know and living it every day of our lives; enduring to the end peacefully.